

Budapest BloodBowl Cup

2017. február 01. - wolio

Welcome in the HammerTimeCafe BloodBowl Cup! The tournament has two separate divisions, one for Veterans (with mostly NAF members) and Rookies (with few NAF members). However, the two divisions run at the same day.

Join us in the HammerTimeCafe for a game either as a coach or as a fan!


HammerTime Cafe – Budapest, 1091, Üllői út 111.

Registration fee: 
1000 HUF + NAF membership for veterans (5 EUR or 1600 HUF)

registration: 10:00 - 10:30
match 1: 11:30 - 12:50
match 2: 13:10 - 15:30
match 3: 15:40 - 18:00
Closing ceremony at 18:10


According to NAF:

Changes to the CRP adopted by NAF: 
- Human catcher 60k GP
- A Head Coach can Argue the Call (See Death Zone 1)
- Halfling Treeman gain the Timmmmber Skill (Death Zone 1)
- additional teams: Underworld, Chaos Pact and Slann
- Piling On remains as it was, new Piling On rules come in the league only

Format: Resurrection

Divisions: Veteran and Rookie
(if any of the two divisions has less than 6 applicants then there will be only one division running with the Veteran rules)

Team creation for Veterans
1.100.000 GP
Halfling are allowed to buy MasterChef
Goblins are allowed to buy bribe.
Tear 3 races are allowed to bring StarPlayers (after having 11 players on the roster already)
No inducements

Time controll: Veterans are supposed to use chess clock, both coaches have 70 minutes. The clock should run during the turns and the setup for kickoff too. A coach with no time left suffers a turnover and they can only stand up downed players. (please get an app like Real Chess Clock on your phone)


 Tier 1 (6 normal skills, no doubles)
Amazon, Chaos Dwarf, Dark Elf, Dwarf, Lizardmen, Norse, Orc, Skaven, Undead and  Wood Elf.

Tier 2 (6 normal skills +1 double skill AND 20 extra gold to buy the team*)
Chaos, Chaos Pact, High Elf, Human, Khemri, Necromantic, Nurgle, Pro Elf and  Slann.

Tier 3 (6 normal skills + 1 double skill AND 50 extra gold to buy the team*)
Goblin, Halfling, Ogre, Underworld and Vampire.

 All Tier: One skill per player.
*The extra gold can be used to buy skills: normal skill 20K, double skill 30K. One skill per player still apllies.

If your match is behind schedule a referee may ask you to hurry up in order to finish in time. If you are unable to finish the referee may stop the game prematurely. In all cases a referee's decision is final.

Registration: Team rosters should be sent one week prior the tournament here:
Subject: Veteran registration
Registration deadline:  Sunday midnight prior to the tournament.
Please inculde NAF name/number. If not, you can pay membership at the venue (5 EUR).

We cannot guarantee your participation if you just show up without registration.

Team creation for Rookies

1.100.000 GP
Time controll: If the 2:20 hours game time is over, the referee decides about extension if any.
Registration: Team rosters should be sent one week prior the tournament here:
Subject: Rookie registration
Registration deadline:  Sunday midnight prior to the tournament.
We cannot guarantee your participation if you just show up without registration.
After the deadline of the registration we send a note if there are enough players for both divisions. If not, you have to add the extra skillls according to the Veteran team creation.

loss with only 1 TD difference: 1 point
Random draw for match 1, then swiss system.
Tie-breaker: results against each other, then netTD+netCAS, then sumTD+sumCAS. CAS means casualties including a block dice rolled.

Prize: (both divisions gets separate proze, but if less than 8 coaches in a division then less prize)
1st place: 5000 HUF HTC voucher
2nd place: 3000 HUF HTC voucher
3rd place: 2000 HUF HTC voucher

Provided by HammerTime Cafe.

no restriction, any BloodBowl pitch welcome

HammerTime Cafe has delicious foods and drinks. Please eat and drink only these.

2017 HammerTime Cafe Veteran and Rookie - Based on the best 5 HTC CUP points.


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